Policy Statement
Avidity Group Ltd and its subsidiary businesses (the “Company”) is conscious of the potential impact upon the environment of its operations and will seek to integrate environmental best practice into all its business activities.
The Company recognises its corporate social responsibility and that its operations result in emissions to air and water and the generation of waste. It is the Company’s aim to comply with legislation and other requirements, continue to reduce the environmental impacts of its business and operate in an environmentally responsible manner.
Colleagues are encouraged to play a pro-active role in a programme of continuous improvement of the Company’s environmental impacts throughout all our operations, including the development of a robust integrated policy framework.
The Company meets the statutory minimum requirements regarding environmental targets, and we strive to go beyond that wherever practical and economical as we recognise that good environmental practice increases efficiency.
This policy applies to all our operations including management, colleagues, and all other individuals. All colleagues have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.
At the Company, we are committed to understanding, managing, and reducing any environmental impacts of our activities through innovation and technology and through encouraging cultural change.
This commitment means: -
- Using resources efficiently, reducing waste and continually improving our environmental performance.
- Considering significant environmental aspects, establishing, implementing, and reviewing environmental objectives which shall be measurable and monitoring aspects and impacts.
- Taking proactive steps to reduce our carbon footprint as we undertake new and existing business activities.
- Working with our clients to undertake responsible environmental practices collectively.
- Maintaining awareness of all colleagues and person(s) working under the control of the Company so that they can identify and fulfil contractual, legislative and company environmental management responsibilities.
- Continually reviewing the suitability of our environmental policy and associated documentation to ensure that the system is appropriate to the nature, scale and impacts of our company’s activities, services, and risks.
- Communicating this policy and the results of any associated activity to all colleagues and any other interested parties, as appropriate.
Policy Principles
Our Environmental Policy seeks to: -
- Minimise consumption of natural resources and the Company actively seeks suitable alternatives.
- Minimise use of energy consumption wherever practical. Colleagues should ensure all equipment, machinery and lighting are switched off when not in use.
- Reduce waste materials. The Company and its waste contractors adopt the waste hierarchy in line with SEPA guidance. Accordingly, colleagues should identify and separate waste and as far as possible: -
- Ensure waste is prevented or reduced at source
- Re-use waste materials
- Refurbish any materials for reuse
- Deposit materials in the recycling facilities/ bins provided so they can be reclaimed as secondary raw materials
- Only where waste cannot be prevented, reclaimed, or recovered should it be disposed of into waste bins
- Colleagues must report any tools, materials or equipment which are in disrepair to their line manager so the Company can reuse or refurbish wherever possible.
- The Company will assess any new product, process, or business arrangement to ensure it has no, or as little adverse impact on the environment as possible.
- We constantly monitor our existing working and manufacturing processes to identify areas where efficiency can be increased whilst reducing the impact on the environment.
- We monitor existing and prospective environmental legislation to plan for that and to ensure compliance with it.
- We aim to enhance awareness of relevant issues among Principals, colleagues, contractors, and others who have an interest in our business.
- Through enhancing awareness aim to influence suppliers of services and sub-contractors to reduce their impact on the environment.
- The Company uses environmentally friendly products wherever possible.
Wastage of materials must be kept to a minimum as this directly affects the Company’s profitability.
The Company recognises that scrap and waste material can constitute an environmental hazard if mistreated and that they can also present a hazard to staff. Staff must ensure that any hazardous or special waste is correctly channelled. Such waste may also have an economic value and therefore, all scrap material remains the property of the Company and should be returned to the Company’s premises and placed within the appropriate store. There are strict controls on dumping or disposal of waste materials and colleagues must not dispose of special or hazardous waste except under instruction and supervision of your manager.
Breach of policy
Colleagues who are found to have breached this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal on the grounds of gross misconduct. The Company will not tolerate breach of this policy by any contractors or sub-contractors and will fully investigate and take all reasonably practical steps to ensure that a breach of the policy does not happen again upon becoming aware of any breach.
Raising concerns
Should you have any concerns about colleagues, or any other persons connected with the Company whom you believe have contravened this policy, you are asked to disclose all relevant details in accordance with the Company’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy. If you feel that you have suffered any detrimental treatment because of reporting your suspicions in good faith, you may raise a grievance in accordance with the terms of the Company’s grievance procedure.